A Really New Year


2016 is going to be a really new year for this gal as I continue to write my e-book that is almost complete! Ahh! And I have to thank my audience that visit my webpage and read my blogs for helping me and inspiring me to write. So you, yes you! This could not be possible without you.

I have decided after 3.5 half years of blogging to turn my passing of writing into a book. I am so happy! What do I mean? Well, I am literally turning everything (almost everything!) that I have written in my blogs into a book. An E-book to be exact. I have learned so much in the last 4 years that I want to share it with everyone possible. This journey that I began in the health of my mind, my body and my whole being has been one that I once doubted so long ago. But it’s real. And I hope that every person out there dares to take a journey like this as well, one day.

I have had so many different and diverse teachers that have contributed to how I feel and think. I have written or added videos of them on my blog, if you ever decide to scroll my blogs. I cannot wait to share my book here first when it becomes available in early 2016. I am still researching which self publishing company to go with, so if you have ideas, don’t be afraid to share.

In saying this, I want to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season. Remember to not drink and drive, use alternative sources if you decide to have a few. We all know that it is better to be safe than sorry.

Thank you! Meegwetch! Merci! Do Jeh! Grazie! Arigato! Salamat Po! (and all the other ways that I missed!)

Thanks for reading!

Published by Native Stylez

Hi there! My name is Valerie a.k.a Native Stylez. This is my home on the internet where I post blogs about everything from my childhood memories to my views on the world. I enjoy photography, reading non fiction, researching, cooking, family time, astrology, and tea.

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